Our goal is to take the hope of the Gospel to our community. Below are our details regarding where we meet, what to expect, and contact information. We'd love to have you visit us.

Meeting Times
Morning: 10:00AM
Evening: 6:00PM
Bible Study 7:00PM
Friday (during school terms)
Children 6:00PM
Teenagers 6:00PM
Saturday (Monthly)
Young Adults 6:30PM
What to expect:
A friendly welcome: When you come through the doors, you will be greeted by our ushers who can help you know where to sit, etc.
Godly Music: We begin our services with a time of congregational singing in order to praise and worship God and encourage each other.
Help with children: On Sunday mornings, the children aged 2-12 have activities available and will leave after the singing time. There is a nursery room available for mothers with children younger than that and the service is streamed to that room.
Preaching from the Word of God: The rest of the service is devoted to hearing from the Word of God. The Bible is God's message to us and as a church we gather to learn more about the Bible.
Have a question or comment - ask?
Mobile: 0481 822 800
Tel: (02) 9823 1489
317 Elizabeth Drive
Mount Pritchard NSW 2170